Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Liberating the Internet

First of all, social media, nearly everyone in the world uses social media today Instagram, Twitter , Facebook , Tumblr , Youtube , you name it. Social media allows access to many things, Information , entertainment , and more but, another thing that social media can do is start activism. With social media the news of protests can spread like wild fire allowing people to be aware of what is happening in a short amount of time but what are the down falls of social media?

Social media have 5 main critical challenges regarding today´s society. First and foremost is that we do not know how to deal with rumors. You can hide your identity and spread fake lies about your enemies and celebrities that will emerge onto the surface of the internet to be seen to the entire world. If the rumors get heated it´ll take time to get rid of all the rumors. Second is that we create our own echo-chambers. This is especially easy since we have access to mute and block buttons to those that disagree or have different opinions then yours as stated in the video transcript, ¨We tend to only communicate with people that we agree with, and thanks to social media, we can mute , un-follow and block everybody else.¨. Third, online discussions can quickly become angry mobs with no proper discussion. Some people may disagree with the topic of the discussions and it can become an online debate not relating to the actual topic, as stated in the video transcript we tend to forget that there is in fact another human being on the other side of the screen ¨It´s as if we forget that the people behind screens are actually real people and not just avatars.¨ Fourth, It became hard to change our opinions. This is more towards Twitter as you have a limited word characters not allowing you to express your full opinion and facts. Because, of this others might take it the wrong way and, once again, start an online heated debate. Finally social media favors broadcasting over engagement. Both are important, you have to broadcast your opinion / information to the world to see and you especially need the engagement from others to know their views and to see if they agree or disagree and you can learn from those experiences.

Some suggestions that Wael Ghonim stated in his speech that can ¨liberate the internet¨ was to give people more incentives to engage in conversations then to broadcast, to let others talk and voice their opinions. Regarding one of the 5 main critical challenges the main one which is, as stated in the video transcript, ¨Today, our social media experiences are designed in a away that favors broadcasting over engagements...¨ And to solve this is to let others have the chance to voice / say their opinions. Another suggestion is that we could track how many people change their minds or un-follow after a post to see and write more thoughtfully to agree with everyone. If we can track what posts made people change their minds we can go back and edit the post and change it into a way where it benefits everyone and find the mistakes to not make the same mistake again in the future.

So in the end although there are a lot of critical challenges and obstacles there is always a solution that we should try out.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Which Personality Do I Have

1. [Strengths and Weaknesses] Do you agree with the results? Why or why not?
I agree with a few and disagree at the same time.
I disagree with the fact that my friends will come to me to admire and depend on me for my optimism.
I do agree with some, I don´t care about having power over others because we´re all the same after all. Also I agree with the fact that Mediators don´t like being constricted by rules as I enjoy doing stuff my own way but I will obey them because I must , and I kind of agree with the creativity... sort of. I 120% fully agree with passionate and energetic. I love drawing or anything relating to art as it allows me to express and create something. I agree with some of the weaknesses such as I am to idealistic, whenever I post art online I think that it will become like one of the most famous arts but I never does but, thats alright because in the future I will achieve that with the small amount of people that enjoy my art. Also 120% agree with dislike with data. Data for me is way to hard for me to understand with all the numbers and percents its just ugh.

2. [Friendship] Do you agree with the results? Why or why not?
I agree, I´m not the most social person but, those I become friends with do in fact stay with for a very VERY long time. I enjoy the concept of hugging and holding hands with friends but socially interacting with people that I do not know makes me uhhhh... awkward and uncomfortable.

3. [Career Path] Do you agree with the results? Why or why not?
I somewhat agree with the results, I wish to get a job in something that I love and I will enjoy and have fun doing with others. Also when I was growing up I dreamed to become an author to create a bunch of fantasy stories and let others escape into the world of fantasy but, that soon developed into the idea of making comics. I agree with the fact that INFP people do not function well in high-stress, busy environments. I would rather do something that requires less stress and in a comfortable environment.

Monday, March 28, 2016

My FANTASTIC Spring Break

This Spring Break has been fantastic!
I went by this normal routine of...
Waking up at 7 in the morning doing my normal stuff like brushing my teeth before wrapping myself in blankets and continue World Trigger which has 72 episodes and I´m only on episode 44, started on Wensday after finishing ERASED. When I get bored I go play a game, and because I am absolute trash at that game I stopped and spent 4 hours on youtube and scrolling through tumblr. Also I lost my math packet and asked a very nice friend of mine to send pictures and I rewrote everything on a line sheet of paper. After eating dinner I would resume going on Youtube watching a bunch of random stuff and drawing before I realize it its 3:30AM so I go to sleep and the cycle repeats.
I spent an entire week inside without socializing with anyone except on the internet before saturday for Community Service where I did a bunch of parkour (sort - of) then on easter I went to church and saw fairies and bunnies everywhere. My Spring Break has been fantastic!

Dear Future Self...

Hi! It´s you from the past because we had to do this for a technology blog for a grade but, if I remember about this I´m probably going to read it so hi!
What are you doing right now? Please don´t tell me your smoking or doing drugs because for sure I won´t do that but, just in case if you are stop! 
Anyways I hope that you got the job I´ve always wanted, are you working for Disney , Pixar , or did you start your own animation company?  Did you get into CalArts, hmm... probably not but, always try again! Where do you live? Did you actually find a house or a studio to stay in instead of a random area, do you live with roommates? Pets? What did you do for the past 10 years? Right now I´m going to graduate 8th grade in a few more months and then go to the Rise highschool which I´m excited for, I wonder if I got into volleyball and won a few tournaments but, knowing my atheltic ability nah. 
Also do you have any advice for me?
Don´t change to fit in with others be yourself
be that crazy weird person
Alright I shall try my best.
Also how have I changed since middle school?
I hope I didn´t go worse ;-;
You became a lot more comfortable around other´s... I think. Also your art skills improved thats a plus.
Woot! Knowing me thats probably what happened.
Anyways as your past self currently I shall try my best to make sure nothing bad happens in the future or I´ll try.

Reflecting on my goals

Did you reach the goal(s) you created in January?

In my opinion I think I did. I got a lot more comfortable in class allowing me to be less nervous / awkward in front of the class during presentations. I think I achieved this by raising my hand to read from the board which allowed me to get use to projecting my voice and plus nearly everyone knew my name by then. Also I made a lot of friends and it was always fun when we did group projects and we could talk comfortable to one another.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

National Inventors Day

Today is National Inventors Day. In honor of Thomas Edison, find one of his quotes online and copy/paste it into your blog. In the same post, write about what you think that quote means and why it is valuable.

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. 
-Thomas Edison

I think this quote means that everything has a solution, you just have to continue to find out the solution. That just because your attempts don't work you just have to find a way around it, in order to achieve your goal, as long as you don't give up you'll find the solution.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Google Searches in 2015

List or describe some of the most popular searches of 2015 from the video.
Some of the most popular searches of 2015 were Paris under attack , Adele's Hello , water found on Mars , the election of 2016, the death of Cecil the lion 

What is a trend?
A trend is basically when a topic / subject is posted on many different social media sites within a short period of time.

What trends do you notice in the searches?
Some of the trends I noticed in the searches is StarWars, Paris , and What color is the dress?